Thursday, September 3, 2009

This Place Matters

Artist: Lynn Cole Daly -
Non-Profit: Conway Main Street -

Conway Main Street was thrilled to be matched with a truly talented photographer, Lynn Cole Daly, as we were in the process of capturing an image to enter in a special contest promoted by the National Trust for Historic Preservation called, “This Place Matters.” This Place Matters is a web-based photo sharing campaign to empower Americans to weigh in on places they feel are architecturally or culturally significant. People nationwide are able to post stories and photos to the National Trust’s website that matter to them.

Lynn helped us marry our vision for This Place Matters Campaign and the Global Awareness Project calendar. Truth be told, we did question our original vision after the photo shoot was scheduled, but when the day of the shoot finally arrived and everything was in place it was obvious that Lynn’s vision had captured the message…no matter what your age, your color, your religion, your profession, your education, we all identify with historic places in our community and we all share a common battle cry-“This Place Matters!”

Our photo is the beloved building that once housed the Side-Wheeler Restaurant which was heavily damaged by fire this past spring. Located at Conway’s Riverwalk along the Waccamaw River, this historic building, constructed in the 1890’s, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The thought of losing this piece of history would be a huge loss to downtown Conway. Work was recently started to reconstruct the building preserving as much of the original building as possible. We are sure everyone would agree with us… This Place Matters!

Conway Main Street USA
Gail J. Alexander, Executive Director
Hillary Howard, Assistant Director

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